Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 continues to do unthinkable as it unleashed some more milestones during the third weekend. In India, it registered the highest third weekend for a Hindi film and the highest third Sunday. Now, at the worldwide box office, it has become the 8th Bollywood film to enter the 700 crore club and also surpassed the lifetime collection of Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2. Keep reading for a detailed report!
The Amar Kaushik directorial has exceeded all projections and is having a run of its own now. During the third weekend, it made a smashing entry into the 500 crore club in India and kept itself in a race to be the next 600 crore net grosser from Bollywood after Jawan. Apart from such a phenomenal response in India, the film has also attained blockbuster status in overseas with the tally going well above 100 crores gross.
Coming to the latest collection update, Stree 2 has amassed 502.35 crores net at the Indian box office in 18 days. Inclusive of taxes, it equals 592.77 crores gross. In overseas, the film is having a dream run and has earned 115 crores gross so far. Combining both Indian and overseas gross, the colossal sum stands at 707.77 crores gross at the worldwide box office.
With a gross of 707.77 crores, Stree 2 has easily surpassed Sunny Deol’s Gadar 2 (685.19 crores gross) to become the 8th highest-grossing Bollywood film of all time globally. The next big target is Aamir Khan’s PK (831.50 crores gross), and getting there won’t be easy as the film has already been watched by a big chunk of moviegoers. However, considering the lack of competition, an entry into the 800 crore club seems possible.
Meanwhile, the Stree sequel is the 2nd highest-grossing Indian film of 2024. Prabhas’ Kalki 2898 AD is at the top with over 1000 crores gross global collection.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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