Akshay Kumar starrer Sooryavanshi has finally opened all across the country. A day after the Laxmi Pujan, which is a lucrative day for Bollywood, is doing wonders yet again for the box office. The latest update we have got is about the film’s morning occupancy.
As we all know, the film was in waiting for a year and a half. Finally, as the state governments have allowed screening with some restrictions, Rohit Shetty and the team are all set to entertain with their family entertainer.
Speaking of the morning shows all across the country, Sooryavanshi has registered an occupancy of 30-32%. As there’s still chaos in the online booking process for multiplexes, the occupancy is affected a bit. Nonetheless, the occupancy is really good and is expected to pace up further.
Apart from Akshay Kumar, Sooryavanshi also stars Katrina Kaif, Jaaved Jaaferi, Jackie Shroff, Nikitin Dheer and others in key roles. It also stars Ranveer Singh and Ajay Devgn in cameos.
Meanwhile, a couple of days back, we learnt that the distributors are demanding a minimum guarantee from single screen owners if they want to screen the film. Some have happily agreed to pay the amount, while some theatre owners are not happy with the demand.
As per the report in Bollywood Hungama, a trade source shares, “The distributors have started their process of bringing the film to single screens and are demanding a minimum guarantee from the exhibitors in small towns. The amount ranges from Rs. 5 lakh to Rs. 10 lakhs per property, meaning, the said exhibitors have to bear a risk of Rs. 5 to 10 lakh if they wish to screen Sooryavanshi at their properties.”