Salman Khan’s much-awaited film Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai was finally released on EID last month after getting delayed for a year. The film was released on the pay-per-view platform ZeePlex since cinemas were shut in most parts of India.
However, the makers managed to release Salman’s action flick in only in 3 cinemas, that too only in Tripura as the country went into lockdown owing to the second wave of coronavirus pandemic. Since Maharashtra going on an unlock mode and theatres were allowed to open in districts and cities that fall under Level 1.
While cinemas still mulling over to reopen theatres, two cinemas took the initiative and released Salman’s Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai from Friday, June 11 onwards. Reportedly the two theatres are Enjoy Drive-in cinema at Malegaon and Khinvasara Cineplex (formerly Apsara Cinema) in Aurangabad.
Now Bollywood Hungama has released the weekend collection of Salman Khan’s Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai. The report reads, “On Saturday, Radhe – Your Most Wanted Bhai collected Rs. 5,445 while on Sunday, it collected Rs. 6,229. These are approximate figures.” It is also worth pointing out that the film managed to collect Rs. 6,018 on Friday and thus the total collection stands at, Rs. 17,792.
Salman’s Radhe managed to collect Rs. 63,248 from Tripura theatres during the release week. Now the total collection of the film, Tripura and Maharashtra combined, stands at Rs. 81,040. The response of the film seems to be a bit poor on Saturday as compared to Friday as only 16 tickets were sold at Enjoy Drive-in cinema.
On the other hand, the occupancy nearly doubled at Khinvasara Cineplex hence the reported sales are 41 tickets. Enjoy Drive-in cinema saw much better occupancy on Sunday with the sale of 39 tickets.