Akshay Kumar returned to the big screens on Independence Day with Khel Khel Mein. The comedy-drama was expected to revive his career after back-to-back failures at the box office. Unfortunately, Mudassar Aziz’s directorial is another flop added to his filmography, which has yet to recover 50% of its budget. Scroll below for the latest worldwide updates!
Khel Khel Mein arrived in theatres to a three-way clash with John Abraham’s Vedaa and Shraddha Kapoor & Rajkummar Rao led Stree 2. Amar Kaushik‘s horror-comedy flick led the race from the word go and stole the thunder amid a lukewarm response for the other two contenders.
Khel Khel Mein Budget
The comedy-drama is reportedly mounted on a staggering budget of 100 crores. Around 65% of the total sum has gone to the star cast. Akshay Kumar alone took home 60 crores in salary while the remaining 5 crores were distributed among Taapsee Pannu, Aditya Seal, and the rest of the cast.
Worldwide Box Office Collections
It has been 21 days of theatrical run, and around 33.50 crores net to the box office collections in India. The gross earnings come to about 39.53 crores. Additionally, the film has minted 10 crores from the overseas markets. The worldwide collections of Khel Khel Mein stand at 49.53 crores.
Khel Khel Mein is a flop!
In order to recover its budget, Akshay Kumar’s film still needs to add over 50 crores to its box office collections. While that is far from the case, it will not even be able to recover the cost spent on the actors due to their high remuneration. In order to do that, the 2024 release will still need around 15.47 crores more.
Unfortunately, Khel Khel Mein is another flop added to Akshay’s filmography.
More about the comedy-drama
The supporting cast includes Fardeen Khan, Vaani Kapoor, Taapsee Pannu, Ammy Virk, Aditya Seal and Pragya Jaiswal. It is based on the 2016 Italian film Perfect Strangers.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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