Shah Rukh Khan is on cloud nine thanks to the impressive performance of Jawan at the box office. The Atlee directorial has been working its magic for nearly a month now – both domestically and internationally, making and breaking almost every single day. The action-thriller – which became the first Bollywood film in cinema history to open at Rs 75 crore, is now making its presence felt in the Highest-Grossing Indian film list.
You read that right. As per the film’s latest worldwide numbers, the film – also starring Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Sunil Grover, Sanya Malhotra, Ridhi Dogra, and Deepika Padukone, is now in the Top 5 of the list by beating SRK’s other 2023 release Pathaan. Read on to know more about it.
The latest worldwide collection of Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan indicates the Atlee directorial has surpassed the box office numbers of his own Pathaan. The film – which collected a whopping Rs 22.29 crore during its fourth weekend (Rs 4.90 crore on Friday, Rs 8.27 crore on Saturday, and Rs 9.12 crore on Sunday), has now surpassed YRF’s Pathaan’s 1,060.43 crore worldwide collection.
Now, with a collective global total of 1,068.58 crore, Atlee’s Jawan is in fifth place on the Highest-Grossing Indian film list. The films ahead of Shah Rukh Khan are Dangal with 1,970 crore, Baahubali 2: The Conclusion with 1,800 crore, RRR with 1,276 crore, and KGF Chapter 2 with 1,230 crore.
Do you think the Shah Rukh Khan-led film will climb higher up on this list? With fans still flocking to theatres to theatres to catch the film, we may see it moving further up the list.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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