After getting under the 10 crores mark on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, although staying in that 7-9 crores range, Jawan got back to double-digit zone all over again on Saturday. The film saw an expected jump in numbers and brought in 12 crores* more in the Hindi version. This is quite good because on Friday, the film had collected 7.10 crores, so this is a good jump in numbers.
Today, the jump would be more contained, though, because, first and foremost, it has already come on Saturday. Moreover, Jawan is now in its third week, and after those blockbuster first few days and then a phenomenal third weekend, one can’t expect the collections to keep hitting the roof every Sunday. Moreover, there is also this India v/s Australia ODI and unlike the Asia Cup, which saw rain play spoilsport in almost all matches, this won’t be the case in India as monsoons are through.
The Shah Rukh Khan starrer Jawan has now reached 492.54 crores* and will be stepping into the 500 Crore Club today in just the Hindi version. Across languages, it has already done that, but now it would be challenging Gadar 2 and Pathaan [Hindi] next. After SS Rajamouli, Jawan’s Atlee would now be the only other director from the south to make a film and take it past the 500 crores mark and that too in a single language.
All-time mega success.
*Estimates. Final numbers awaited
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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