Fukrey 3, starring Varun Sharma, Pulkit Samrat, Manjot Singh, Pankaj Tripathi and Richa Chadha, is performing really well at the Indian box office. After a decent start, the film showed a good hold on Friday. After staying steady yesterday, the need of the hour was to witness a healthy growth today, and that’s what exactly happened. Keep reading to know how the comic caper performed on day 3!
Directed by Mrighdeep Singh Lamba, the Fukrey threequel opened to decent reviews from critics, and even word-of-mouth has been on the favourable side. This is good news indeed as the film has got an opportunity to attain a healthy score during the extended first weekend.
After raking in 7.81 crores yesterday, Fukrey 3 has jumped really well today as early trends suggest a collection in the range of 11-12 crores on Saturday, i.e. day 3. As compared with yesterday’s 7.81 crores, it’s a growth of 40-53%, which is impressive. Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan is firing all cylinders this weekend, so Fukrey threequel is doing a good job of bringing in an audience of its own.
Going by early trends, Fukrey 3 is heading for a total of 27.63-28.63 crores at the Indian box office in 3 days. Sunday guarantees another strong day, so the extended weekend of 40 crores is on the cards.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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