Shraddha Kapoor and Rajkummar Rao’s Stree 2 is showing no signs of slowing even after minting extraordinary numbers at the box office in the extended opening week. In just 8 days, it entered the 300 crore club, and now, it’s on its way to hitting the 350 crore milestone. Made on a moderate budget, the film has already made huge returns, but surprisingly, it’s not the most profitable Indian film of 2024. Keep reading to know more!
The Stree sequel registered an opening of over 60 crores in India. Considering the solid on-ground buzz and positive word-of-mouth, it showed superb momentum during the first week. Even on the second Friday, the film touched almost 20 crores. On the whole, it amassed 327.10 crores net at the Indian box office in just 9 days.
Reportedly, Stree 2 is made on a budget of 60 crores. Against this budget, it has earned 327.10 crores, thus yielding an ROI (return on investment) of 267.10 crores. Calculated further, it equals 445.16% returns. With this, it is the most profitable Hindi film of 2024. However, when it comes to profitable Indian films, it’s not at the top.
At the top, Mollywood’s Premalu is shining bright with the highest ROI among the profitable films of 2024. Made at a very controlled budget of just 9 crores, it did an impressive business of 76.10 crores at the Indian box office, thus yielding an ROI of 67.10 crores. Calculated further, it equals 745.55%. With such heavy returns, Premalu is currently the most profitable Indian film of 2024.
Meanwhile, Premalu is the first super-hit of Mollywood in 2024. Globally, it amassed 132.79 crores gross.
Note: Box office numbers are based on estimates and various sources. Numbers have not been independently verified by Koimoi.
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