Akshay Kumar and Suniel Shetty share a great bond in the Hindi film industry. The duo, who first starred together in the 1993 film Waqt Hamara Hai, became the most wanted duo after their hilarious performance in Hera Pheri along with Paresh Rawal. Both of them have supported and been with each other through thick and thin and will have once again reunited for the 3rd instalment of Hera Pheri. A lot of buzz has been around the film, and we already can’t wait for its official release date.
In today’s throwback story, we will tell you about when the Border actor opened up about the time he was in a sour relationship with Akki’s manager. While he didn’t give many details, he had once recalled the time, adding that now all’s well between them. Scroll down for details.
During his interview with Lehren, Suniel Shetty had once said, “Akshay himself is a big martial artist, a great martial artist. I mean I believe he’s the best in the Indian industry. He’s changed the face of action also, so that is why the comparison happens all the time.” He had further revealed that both have been great of friends.
He added, “We are and we were good friends and both being action heroes and both coming in at the same time, nice, you know we figured this out. But in reality, nothing, nothing ever. I’m very fond of Akshay. There was a little bit of tension I had with his secretary and things there, but that’s all over with now, and we are doing films together.”
Meanwhile, Suniel Shetty is currently celebrating the back-to-back box office success of films like Zara Hatke Zara Backe, OMG 2, Gadar 2, Rocky Aur Rani Kii PRem Kahaani & others.
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