It’ll soon be 5 years since India’s first female superstar Sridevi left for his heavenly abode in 2018. After ruling Bollywood for many years, the actress passed away due to drowning after attending Mohit Marwah’s wedding in Dubai. The nation will remember the actress on her 5th death anniversary on Feb 24, 2023. Do you know an interesting fact about the late actress who was once offered a role in Jurassic Park by Steven Spielberg?
After making her Bollywood debut with ‘Solva Sawan’ in 1978, but it was only after five years when she starred alongside Jeetendra in ‘Himmatwala’ that she gained commercial success and became a household name.
Coming back, not many know Sridevi was once offered a small role in Steven Spielberg’s Jurassic Park in 1993. Yes, you heard that right! It all happened when she was at the peak of her acting career when she received an offer from Steven Spielberg to star in Jurassic Park, which she turned down saying that she felt it didn’t meet her stature.
Well, apart from that Sridevi had also turned down Shah Rukh Khan-led Darr who also starred Sunny Deol and Juhi Chawla in the lead roles.
Opening up about the same, she had told the media, “After Chandni and Lamhe, I feel Darr would have been an ordinary character for me. If I’m playing Shah Rukh Khan’s role, then of course, I would have loved to do it. The character Juhi played was new for her and so it was good for her. But for me, it was something I had done many times before.”
Sridevi was last seen in a cameo role in Shah Rukh Khan-led Zero and before that she was seen in Mom which received her accolades from one and all.
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