Bollywood actor Ranbir Kapoor is currently enjoying marital bliss. Last year, he tied the knot with the love of his life Alia Bhatt and then, the couple welcomed their daughter Raha. Interestingly, when Alia was pregnant with their first child, Ranbir was approached by his chartered accountant asking him if he wants to make a will. Check out how the actor reacted.
The Rockstar actor is currently busy promoting his upcoming film Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar which is slated to release on March 8, 2023. The film will also star Shraddha Kapoor in the lead role. The actor is extensively promoting his film and a lot of times, he has been often spotted talking about his personal life as well. However, the actor once revealed that right before the birth of his daughter, he was approached by his CA for a ‘Will’ & the question left him terrified.
Last year, in an interview with Film Companion before the birth of Raha, Ranbir Kapoor was asked if he was thinking about the Kapoor family’s legacy as he was about to become a father. To which the actor was quick to reply and said, “I think legacy is something you only realise when you are retiring. It’s too early for me to… I know my CA a couple of months back came to me, asking me, ‘Should we make a will?’ I was like, Will? I started getting fearful like am I going to die? Why should I make a will at this age?”
During the same conversation, the actor also added that he only wants to be the best version of himself and he is focused on embracing the beautiful phase of his life. Well, Ranbir Kapoor’s recent interviews are also proof that he has definitely evolved as a person.
On the work front, Ranbir Kapoor and Shraddha Kapoor are all set to serve you a complete Bollywood masala on March 8. Apart from Tu Jhoothi Main Makkaar, he has also wrapped the shoot of another film, Animal.
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