Bollywood actress Mamta Kulkarni, who made her acting debut with Tirangaa in 1992, became one of the most popular actresses in the film industry. She rose to fame after her near-topless cover pic for a leading magazine made headlines in 1993. She then went to do films like China Gate, Karan Arjun, Waqt Hamara Hai, and Krantiveer.
However, she quit the film industry after Kabhie Tum Kabhie Hum release and ran off with Vikram Goswami to live anonymously in Dubai. Vikram has cases of money laundering and drug dealing against him, and the couple was arrested in 2016 in Kenya.
Following the arrest, Mamta Kulkarni made a public appearance for the first time in 16 years and claimed that she is a spiritual person having killed all her desires. During a conversation with ABP News, the former actress said that she got enlightened in 2010 and since she has immersed herself in spirituality.
She further said, “I have not married Vicky till now. And when you do a solitary penance for 12 years, you don’t like it even if a man just touches you. Do you know how pure you become from inside? You don’t even want a man to touch you. There is nothing like s*x. Even if a man stands nude in front of me, it will not make any effect on me right now.”
Mamta Kulkarni then said, “I am not in a physical relationship with Vicky, we are just on good terms with each other. As far as drugs are concerned, I hate drugs. If I have destroyed all the drawbacks within me and if I have destroyed the desire for s*x within me, then would drug tantalize me to do something wrong in life? I would kill myself, and if I know that if Vicky was doing it, I would kill him also. I know he is not doing it.”
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