Katrina Kaif debuted in 2003 with ‘Boom’ and the film also starred Amitabh Bachchan, Jackie Shroff and Gulshan Grover in pivotal roles. The actress played the character of a supermodel and stunned fans with her bold avatar in the film. In one of the scenes, Kat donned a shiny bikini flaunting her curvaceous figure and it’s still very popular on social media and guess what, at that very moment her fandom knew that she would one day make it really big in the industry. Scroll below to take a look at her picture.
As of now, Katrina happens to be one of the most successful and bankable actresses in Bollywood. The actress is also very popular on social media with over 68 million followers on Instagram. While we love her mushy pictures with husband and actor Vicky Kaushal, we also absolutely adore her chic fashion sense.
Now coming back to the topic, it was in 2003 that Katrina Kaif made her big Bollywood debut with Boom. Back then, she was not that known but she still aced her character of a supermodel in the film. And ever since then, there has been no looking back for Kat.
There was a scene in particular in the film where Katrina Kaif donned a shiny silver and black bikini and flaunted her cleav*ge and curvaceous figure proving that she’s actually no less than a supermodel in real life and that she’ll make it big in Bollywood.
She styled her look with a white shirt and opted for shimmery metallic eye makeup with nude pink lips.
Her fandom became massive post the film and she started getting recognition and better roles in the industry.
What are your thoughts on Katrina Kaif’s bold and beautiful picture from Boom? Tell us in the space below.
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