Apart from his movie content, Karan Johar often makes it to the news due to controversies surrounding it. While we talk about his controversies, who can forget Wake Up Sid which faced the wrath of MNS leader Raj Thackeray and his party workers.
Back in 2009, when Wake Up Sid screenings were stalled on the very first day when MNS workers observed that Mumbai has been called Bombay in the entire film. The screening was first stalled in Pune. Soon after that, Raj Thackeray asked Karan Johar, the producer of the film, to issue an apology for hurting the sentiments of Maharashtrians.
For the unversed, starring Ranbir Kapoor and Konkana Sen Sharma, Wake Up Sid has Mumbai playing a major part of the script. Therefore, it was impossible to make major changes throughout the film, especially when it was already playing in theatres. Rather, Karan put a disclaimer before the film that had an apology for hurting the sentiments of Maharashtrians.
Speaking to DNA back then Karan Johar had said, “As soon I learnt about the protests, I decided to pay a visit to Thackeray to explain why we have kept ‘Bombay’. Raj (Thackeray) was very cordial and explained to us where he came from. We understood his point of view.”
“We apologized to him in case his sentiments were hurt. We are very sorry if we have hurt the sentiments of other people. That was never our intention. Mumbai is an integral part of the narrative. It is, in fact, the third main character in Wake Up Sid after Ranbir and Koko,” he added.