If there’s one Bollywood pair that has been setting trends forever is Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli. Their love story is nothing short of magic and today we bring you a video of the Indian Cricket Team captain singing ‘Mere Mehboob’ for wife Anushka at their wedding and her reaction to this was priceless!
The couple got married back in 2017 in Italy and their wedding is one of the biggest weddings of Bollywood.
Now, there’s a throwback video of Virat Kohli singing ‘Mere Mehboob’ for Anushka Sharma is going viral on the internet where they’re both sitting along with the guests and cheering for the skipper.
Take a look at the video here:
Did y’all notice Anushka Sharma’s priceless reaction at the end of Virat Kohli’s performance? That has our heart.
Meanwhile, the couple welcomed their first child ‘Vamika’ this year in January and informing the fans on social media, Virat penned a beautiful note that read, “We are thrilled to share with you that we have been blessed with a baby girl this afternoon. We thank you all for your love, prayers and good wishes. Anushka and the baby are both healthy and we are feeling beyond blessed to start this new chapter of our lives. We hope that you can respect our privacy at this time. Love, Virat.”
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma announced the pregnancy news back in August 2020 and took the internet by storm.
Vamika has been accompanying daddy Virat on all his cricket tournaments along with mommy. And although the couple has asked the paps to not take pictures and videos of their daughter, we still get to see her spotting with parents on the internet.
What are your thoughts on Virat Kohli singing ‘Mere Mehboob’ for Anushka Sharma? Tell us in the comments below.