Bollywood’s beloved on-screen couple Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol has been undeniably the most admirable couple. The duo paired in several movies together including Baazigar, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham, Kuch Kuch Hota Hai, and Dulhania Le Jaayenge, among others, and earned widespread love from the audience. While SRK is married to Gauri Khan and shares three children, Aryan, Suhana, and AbRam, Kajol is married to Ajay Devgn and shares two children, Nysa and Yug.
While their kids are now debuting in the Bollywood industry, Aryan is set to make a directorial debut with the web show, Stardom. The show is written and directed by Aryan and backed by Red Chillies Entertainment. On the other hand, Nysa, often known for her stylish public appearances, is continuing with her studies. However, neither have taken an interest in any acting role like their parents.
However, reflecting on their on-screen chemistry, SRK and Kajol teasingly joked about the idea of Aryan and Nysa together. During a 2007 episode of Koffee With Karan, SRK, Kajol, and Rani Mukerji appeared on the show and engaged in a candid conversation. During the rapid-fire round hosted by Karan Johar, he asked Kajol, “What would be your reaction if Aryan Khan eloped with Nysa Devgn after 10 years?”
Although Kajol was caught off guard, given Aryan and Nysa were just kids at the time, she kept things light and fun and took a second to gather her thoughts. She then said, “I would say….Dilwale Dulhe Le Jaayenge.”
While Karan Johan didn’t approve of Kajol’s answer, SRK chimed in sharing his savage response, “I didn’t get that joke! I am just stressed at the thought. I am very scared of being related to Kajol,” as everyone started laughing.
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