After initially supposed to release in 2020, fans worldwide are eager to know when Rohit Shetty’s Sooryavanshi starring Akshay Kumar in the titular role alongside Katrina Kaif, will hit cinema halls. While the news has also made the round that the film, seeing Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh in extended cameos, may go digital, we have an interesting titbit.
While this news piece has nothing to do with when the film will release – don’t get sad, the good news is ahead – it talks about Ajay and Ranveer’s role in it. Scroll down to know more about their screen time in the Akshay starrer and what’s in store in terms of action.
Talking about the other Rohit Shetty cop-film stars appearing in his highly-anticipated next, a trade source told Bollywood Hungama, “This is the starting point of a crossover between three giants, Singham, Simmba and Sooryavanshi portrayed by Ajay Devgn, Ranveer Singh and Akshay Kumar respectively.”
The source continued, “While the film is an out and out Akshay Kumar show, Ajay and Ranveer make a smashing appearance in the extended climax of the film. Contrary to the speculation, it’s not a guest appearance but a well churned out an extended cameo for both Singham and Simmba in Sooryavanshi.”
So how long are these stars extended cameos in Sooryavanshi? Shedding light on the stars screen time in the film that deals with stopping terror activities in Mumbai, the source added, “They are in the film for at least 30 minutes. It’s the extended climax featuring the three cops, which is said to be the biggest highlight of the film.”
The trade source added, “The narrative of the film reaches a different peak once Singham comes into picture. While the general tone of the film is inclined towards the serious space, it’s the climax that brings in a certain amount of light-hearted moments too.”
How excited are you knowing that Ajay Devgn and Ranveer Singh will feature in the Akshay Kumar starrer for approx 30 minutes? Let us know in the comments. Also, for more news and updates, stay tuned to Koimoi.