MUMBAI, India, 19 August, 2022 – Prime Video today launched the action drama Shamshera, featuring Ranbir Kapoor, Sanjay Dutt and Vaani Kapoor along with Ronit Bose Roy and Saurabh Shukla in pivotal roles on the streaming service. Produced under the banner of Yash Raj Films and directed by Karan Malhotra, the film is the fourth title to be premiered on Prime Video from the licensing deal with Yash Raj Films (YRF), following the digital premieres of Bunty Aur Babli 2, Jayeshbhai Jordaar and Samrat Prithviraj.
The mass entertainer & action film, Shamshera portrays Ranbir Kapoor in double role – as Shamshera and as his son, Balli. The film circles around the fictitious city of Kaza, a warrior tribe is imprisoned, enslaved, and tortured by a ruthless authoritarian Shudh Singh.
Shamshera is a legend for his tribe who relentlessly fights for his tribe’s freedom and dignity.
a larger than life cinematic wonder that’ll keep you on your toes throughout 🍿#ShamsheraOnPrime, watch now!
#RanbirKapoor @Vaaniofficial @duttsanjay @RonitBoseRoy @saurabhshukla_s @karanmalhotra21 @yrf
— prime video IN (@PrimeVideoIN) August 19, 2022
Built on a larger-than-life premise, Shamshera is now available on the service for audiences across the globe. The film is available in Hindi along with Tamil and Telugu language dubs.
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