Back in 2019, when Shah Rukh Khan’s Zero flopped, and he went into hibernation, taking a sabbatical from the films, none of us could’ve predicted the way he would come back, and with Pathaan, Jawan being two back-to-back 1000 crore grossers – Shah has not only shut the haters down but also registered the ‘King Khan’ stamp at the box office loud and robust. With Dunki coming up next, the sky is the limit.
The news today isn’t about how Pathaan and Jawan did wonders for Shah, but it’s about how Dunki is going to change the game for not only the stars in it but also for Bollywood on the whole.
The makers of Jawan took an interesting route by launching a promo labeled as ‘prevue’ which was neither a teaser nor a trailer. It teased the film just with just the right amount of hype that only escalated once the trailer was dropped.
Fun fact: Jawan Prevue currently has more views (82 Million) than its trailer (69 Million). Yes, there’s a two-month time gap between both the promos, but still, with any trailer, there’s an expectation of being the most watched promotional asset of the film. It seems Rajkumar Hirani was quietly noticing all these stats sitting in the corner for Dunki.
The news circulating on social media today states that Shah Rukh Khan’s upcoming film won’t have one but two teasers, and both of them have already been certified by the censor board. Yes, you heard that exactly right, two teasers. Now, we don’t know if Rajkumar Hirani would use fancy terms like ‘prevue’ for the teaser, but the news of the film coming with two teasers could probably be true.
As per the reports, the first teaser is said to be of 58 seconds, which will introduce us to the world of Rajkumar Hirani‘s Dunki, teasing very little the characters it’ll have. Of course, Shah Rukh Khan would remain the focus point in both the promos and more in the second one because the second teaser is said to be of 1 minute 49 seconds, which will lay the proper base for everything that will come after it.
The question is, will Hirani also release a full-fledged trailer after two sufficiently timed teasers? We’ll have to wait for the same, but if we’re asked to guess, we don’t think a trailer would be required to multiply the hype because it’d already been touching the sky after the two promised teasers.
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