Shah Rukh Khan, known as the King of romance has been enjoying the success of Pathaan as his action-packed performance has been loved by audiences worldwide. His fans around the globe are celebrating the movie like a festival and the movie has broken many box office records. However, SRK has revealed he wanted to do more action roles that he could not do before but now wants to do them.
It comes as a surprise, that the actor who once danced on a moving train in the song ‘Chhaiya Chhaiya’ did not do much of action roles. Along with that, Shah Rukh Khan once danced on a moving car without any safety gear. Read on to find out more about it!
Remember the song, ‘Badi Mushkil Hai’ from the 1994 movie, Anjaam? In the song, SRK is seen dancing on a movie car without any safety gear. The video came to notice when a fan, Pramit posted the video, and Scoopwhoop posted it on their Instagram page. The King of romance dancing fearlessly on the car in busy Mumbai traffic shows how we have neglected SRK’s action-hero vibes for a long time.
The video has been loved by SRK fans who have been dropping sweet messages for the actor in the comment section. So far the video has reached over 630k views and over 50k likes. A user said, “King of dancing on moving vehicle 🙌”
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A resident of Mumbai commented on the roads of the city and said, “They could shoot this only in South Bombay – Marine Drive as baaki sheher mein toh pot holes ki samasya hai.”
“There is a reason that he actually might be the Last super star of Hindi Film Industry”, said another user. Another also said, “Jo Chalti Train Par Nach Liya Vo Car Se Darega?”
Fans also compared him with Tom Cruise and said, “Now he can be compared with Tom cruise he performed the stunt all by himself”. A user also took a dig at Akshay Kumar and said, “Akshay Kumar who?”
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