Superstar Shah Rukh Khan’s film Pathaan, which was released on January 25, has taken the box office by storm not only in the domestic market but also overseas. As the film is breaking all the records, an American journalist compared the superstar to Hollywood actor Tom Cruise and fans are fuming over it.
Directed by Siddharth Anand, the film marks as a comeback for the superstar SRK whose last film Zero was released in 2018. The film has been receiving tremendous responses from the audience since the opening day of the film.
American journalist and critic, Scott Mendelson took to his Twitter handle and shared an article titled ‘India’s Tom Cruise Shah Rukh Khan May Have Just Saved Bollywood With His Blockbuster ‘Pathaan” which was published for the website The Wrap. His piece looked at how Shah Rukh’s comeback film was reviving the Hindi film industry after a lean period. The actor is returning to the big screen after four years.
Several of the superstar’s fans, who are fuming in anger, asked him to amend his piece. The Top Gun: Maverick star began to trend after King Khan’s fans spoke out on Twitter. Many of his fans felt that the article disrespected the superstar comparing him to action star Tom Cruise.
A user claimed, “SRK is SRK ! He isn’t Indian Tom Cruise but rather a national treasure, he is a man beyond his films,” while another user flipped his statement saying, “You made an emotional mistake in your statement. Shah Rukh Khan is Emotion. He is the greatest among the Best, the best among the greatest. Period!! Though I like Tom, I would not mind at all if you address him as American’s Shah Rukh Khan.”
SRK is SRK ! He isnt Indian Tomcruise but rather a national treasure, he is a man beyond his films.
— — (@xx7_ip) February 3, 2023
You made an emotional mistake in your statement. Shah Rukh Khan is Emotion. He is the greatest among the Best, the best among the greatest. Period!! Though I like Tom, I would not mind at all if you address him as American’s Shah Rukh Khan.
— Mohammad Mamun Uddin (@UDDIN021) February 3, 2023
Correct the headline of your newsletter
Shah Rukh Khan is Shah Rukh Khan, no one ever will be able to come even closer to him.
No one is comparable with him— MSK (@Shahid_Indian) February 3, 2023
Correct your words sir, it's SRK King 👑 of Bollywood who is global mega Star in the World and more famous than Tom cruise of Hollywood's. More than 3 billion people around the world knows SRK, Tom is way behind Bollywood King. Be mindful when you speak about SRK. Respect for Tom
— Ali Sabeel (@sabeelali2020) February 3, 2023
1. Well @iamsrk definitely isn’t the @TomCruise of India, but #TomCruise is definitely @akshaykumar of USA!
2. It’s not Bollywood, but an aggregation of multiple movie centres in different languages, unlike Hollywood that has only one language!
Now you may wrap up!
— Amitabh (@amitabhish) February 3, 2023
He is better than your #Tom Cruise in popularity and in wealth and way ahead in acting
— Danish Farooq (@DanishF22245572) February 3, 2023
I know you’re just trying to provide context but as a white American who hadn’t seen a single Bollywood movie until 2019, Shah Rukh is so much more than Tom Cruise. There is no Hollywood equivalent.
— ♡SRK♡paradigm (@SRKparadigm) February 3, 2023
Just one correction: #ShahRukhKhan is not India’s #TomCruise. Shah Rukh Khan is Shah Rukh Khan. India’s, world’s First and last. That’s it! He’s far beyond films and performances. As #JohnAbraham calls him- a National Treasure.
— DEEPAK PANDEY (@shahrukhdeepak1) February 3, 2023
White validation is when everything is compared to them. He is SHAH RUKH KHAN thats enough.
— Mohona (@extraaaacheese_) February 3, 2023
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