Salman Khan has been ruling over the Bollywood industry for more than a decade, entertaining the fans with his amazing high-action roles. Apart from this, the actor is also quite active on his social media handles enjoying a huge fan following crossing the 49 million mark. Recently the Kick actor shared a post on his social media, in which he flexed his chiselled body. Looks like Khan is all set to make his fans go gaga with his transformation.
The actor is considered to be a role model by fans when it comes to fitness and workout. Being 56 years old, the actor has maintained his physic and continues to work out for a better life.
Salman Khan recently took it to his Instagram account to share a sizzling post. In the post, the Bhaijaan of Bollywood was seen facing his back towards the camera to flaunt his perfectly toned cuts and muscle bareback. Khan captioned his post which read, “Getting back!”
Salman Khan’s recent drool-worthy post was an instant hit amongst his fans. His post went on to garner a massive number of likes and comments. While his fans were showering their love on his post. The trolls were busy dropping their unwanted hateful comments.
Taking it to his comment section, A Instagram user commented, “Getting back nai…expire ho…sorry don’t mind but its truth”. While another one wrote, “YE ADMI BHOODA KAYE NHI HOTA BE 😅😅.” A hater commented, “kya matlab bhai ne niche pahne nahi hai kuch?,” While another one commented, “Thukra ke mera pyaar Katrina Kaif Inteqam dekhegi.” A troll went on to comment, “Dadaji jawan ho jae 😂.”
On the work front, Salman Khan was last seen in Mahesh Manjrekar’s Antim: The Final Truth. The movie also starred the actor’s brother-in-law, Aayush Sharma, and was released on 26th November 2021. Apart from this, Salman will also be seen appearing as a cameo in Aamir Khan’s upcoming movie, Laal Singh Chaddha.
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