Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Pathaan went on to become an all-time blockbuster. The film that marked the comeback of King Khan on the silver screen after a gap of four years smashed all the records at the box office. Now, the film has been released on the OTT platform with three deleted scenes from the film & fans can’t keep calm! Scroll below to read the details.
The film, which has entered into its 8th week, witnessed a big jump on Saturday & Sunday despite numerous new releases, and that’s the magic of SRK & now he is all set to set new records on OTT as the film has been released on Amazon prime with three deleted scenes.
The first deleted scene appears right after the intermission. It shows Pathaan, aka Shah Rukh Khan, being imprisoned and brutally tortured. However, when the foreign official spoke to him in Hindi, Pathaan didn’t leave a chance to make everyone laugh with his witty humour. This 42-second-long scene is followed by the scene where Nandini (Dimple Kapadia) meets him in jail. Another scene that fans can watch will appear soon after Pathaan meets Rubai.
The scene is set in the office, where Pathaan makes a stylish entry like a boss. We have to admit that it would have become a ‘seeti maar’ moment in the cinemas. His colleagues are happy to see him, and one of his female colleagues tries to hug him. Pathaan stops her and said, “Agar zindagi rahi toh gale milenge!” & he tells a male colleague, “Tumse tab bhi nhi milunga.” In the same scene, Pathaan can also discuss his plan to infiltrate the lab. The scene lasts for 61 seconds.
This look and scene added
🥵😍#PathaanOnPrime #Pathaan— MASRUR (@masrur2srk) March 21, 2023
Finally, the last scene that fans would catch in the OTT release of the film will be Rubai’s arrest in the lab. The 24-second scene shows Indian authorities grilling her (Deepika Padukone) as she tries to convince them that she doesn’t know about the plan of Jim (John Abraham).
Pathaan started streaming today on Amazon Prime and also created history on OTT. Netizens went berserk after the film was released on OTT with deleted scenes & even asked why they were deleted from the movie.
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