Vivek Agnihotri is one director that never fails to make headlines with his actions on social media. A while ago, he shared a video on his Twitter account where a young girl was taking a dig at Deepika Padukone’s ‘Besharam’ song from Shah Rukh Khan starrer ‘Pathaan’. There has already been a lot of brouhaha around the song and now amid the same, Agnihotri’s daughter Mallika Agnihotri’s bikini pictures are going crazy viral on social media and netizens are slamming the director. Scroll below to read the scoop.
In the song, DP wore a saffron-coloured bikini and hence it grabbed the attention of netizens who started the boycott trend on social media. Just yesterday, Agnihotri shared a video on his Twitter account where a young girl is calling out the makers of ‘Pathaan’ for spreading ‘Ashleelta’ through the song. Sharing the song on the microblogging site, the director captioned it, “WARNING: #PnV video against Bollywood. Don’t watch it if you are a Secular.”
Take a look at the video below:
WARNING:#PnV video against Bollywood. Don’t watch it if you are a Secular.
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) December 28, 2022
Now, as soon as Vivek Agnihotri shared the video on his Twitter account, it started getting netizens’ reactions in no time.
Onto the new development, the director’s daughter Mallika Agnihotri’s bikini pictures are doing the rounds on social media. Take a look at it below:
Vivek Agnihotri has a problem with bikini pics of actresses in Bollywood.
Meanwhile this is from the Insta account of his own daughter ;)
— TA 💫 (@Tirlovesha) December 28, 2022
Take a look at some of netizens’ reactions below:
Ab ye Vivek agnihotri doobara kabhi SRK ko troll nahi krega because her daughter faced the burnt of his doglaopani..and if he doesn't stop still then wo apni Beti ka nahi ho saka toh kya khak kisi ka hoga.. Besharam baap
— The GOAT (@iamssrrkkk) December 29, 2022
Vivek Agnihotri has a problem with bikini pics of actresses in Bollywood.
Meanwhile this is from the Insta account of his own daughter ;)
— Abhijeet Kumar singh (@Abhijee22638842) December 28, 2022
Vivek agnihotri’s daughter wearing orange bikini ! Boycott Agnihotri
— Jeet soni (@DrJeet0811) December 29, 2022
Vivek Agnihotri जिनके घर शीशे के हो उनको दूसरो पर पत्थर नही फेकने चहिए…
👇 Vivek agnihotri's daughter भगवा का अपमान करती हुई MALIKA AGNIHOTRI….😲— Mohd. Zafar (@MohdZaf85616683) December 28, 2022
Thanks @vivekagnihotri
Now enjoying #BesharamRang ft vivek agnihotri daughter mallika agnihotri special edition 💥💥💥#Pathaan
— Jhoome Jo PATHAAN☆ (@Iampathaan1) December 28, 2022
What are your thoughts on netizens dragging Vivek Agnihotri’s daughter’s bikini picture on social media amid Pathaan’s ‘Besharam Rang’ controversy row? Tell us in the space below.
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