Actor Pankaj Tripathi, whose character of ‘Pandit ji’ from the Fukrey franchise is loved by one and all, said that the films which make people laugh are closer to the audience. Read on to know what he has to say about Fukrey 3 and his character in the upcoming installment.
The talented actor has played many memorable roles and one of them is the character of Pandit ji from the famous franchise Fukrey. As the team is coming up with the third installment of franchise, Pankaj in a candid conversation, spoke about the film and much more.
Talking about what makes people love the Fukrey franchise so much, Pankaj Tripathi said, “I feel relatability. Ten years back when the first part came, it made people laugh so much and like us, the audience has also grown up with the film. They laughed ten years back and got connected with the characters of the film.”
Pankaj Tripathi continued, “Also I feel, we don’t give the right credit to the comedy films. When you make somebody laugh, you give them the moments of thoughtlessness which meditation gives after years of practice. So, films that make people laugh are closer to them. I feel this is a different way of seeing a comedy film.”
Talking about what new the audience can expect in Fukrey 3 and from his character this time, he said, “The character is the same, only the situation is different. Their journey is different. The canvas and scaling of the film is very big this time. There is much more laughter than the previous two installments.”
Directed by Mrighdeep Lamba, ‘Fukrey 3’ will see ‘Bholi Punjaban’ involved in an election campaign against the boys this time, with Pandit ji being the man behind their operations. The film features the original cast including Pulkit Samrat, Varun Sharma, Richa Chadha, Manjot Singh and Pankaj Tripathi. It will hit the cinemas on Thursday.
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