TV diva Shweta Tiwari’s daughter and Bollywood’s budding actress Palak Tiwari never misses a chance to make heads turn with her stunning attire. Palak, who’s no less than a Bollywood diva, enjoys a massive fan following on and off social media and has a number of fan clubs to her credit. Not a single day goes by when she takes the internet by storm with her oh-so-hot Insta photos. Recently, she arrived for the screening on Anurag Kashyap’s film which got netizens melting.
The diva is often subjected to criticism, trolling and body-shaming for her looks. She’s soon going to step into Bollywood with her big-budget debut film.
Recently, Palak Tiwari arrived for the screening of Alaya F’s upcoming film Almost Pyaar With DJ Mohabbat. The diva set the temperature soaring as she wore a light green spaghetti top with an olive green short leather skirt. Letting her hair down, she paired her look with white shoes and a green sling bang. Keeping make-up minimal, she posed for the shutterbugs like a true diva. Soon after the videos surfaced on the web, netizens showered praises on her.
Commenting on the video a user wrote, “Bilkul apni maa ki tarah h beautiful,” while another said, “Kiya karein inhe dekhte pighal jaate such a pretty girl.”
A third user wrote, “Me to sach me pigal gya yaar.”
A fourth user said, “Boys pighal nahi confuse ho rahe hai maa or beti me.” Check out the video shared by Instant Bollywood.
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On the work front, Palak Tiwari is all set to make her Bollywood debut alongside Salman Khan in Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan which also stars Pooja Hedge, Shehnaaz Gill, Siddharth Nigam and others in pivotal roles. Apart she’s also shooting for Virgin Tree which also stars Sanjay Dutt, Navneet Malik, Sunny Singh, Mouni Roy, and YouTuber Beyounick.
Coming back, what are your thoughts on her look from last evening’s event? Do let us know!
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