Kareena Kapoor Khan is one such Bollywood actress who never shies away from voicing her opinion about anything happening across the globe. Ahead of the release of Pathaan, a section of media has called for a ban for Shah Rukh Khan starrer. And something similar happened earlier when Bebo and Aamir Khan’s Laal Singh Chaddha was also cancelled by the netizens. However later during one of the promotional interviews she requested fans to not boycott Bollywood.
Laal Singh Chaddha had opened to poor to mixed responses at the box office. Helmed by Advait Chandan it turned out to be a box office dud within days of its release. However, it received a positive response after it was released on OTT.
Recently Kapoor Kapoor Khan appeared at the Indian Chamber of Commerce-Young Leaders Forum event in Kolkata where she reacted to the section of social media who are boycotting films. Bebo asked if there won’t be films how will one get entertained?
As quoted by ANI, Kareena Kapoor Khan said at the event, “I don’t agree with it at all. If that happens, how will we entertain, how will you have joy and happiness in your life, which, I think everybody needs And which cinema and films are promising, which we have always done, which films have always done. Agar films nahi hogi toh entertainment kaisa hoga (If films aren’t there how will the people be entertained).”
Ahead of the release of Laal Singh Chaddha’s release, Kareena Kapoor Khan had told RJ Siddharth Kanan, “I think that the love the film is getting is very different. These are just a section of people who are probably on your social media, which is probably like 1%. But the fact is that they shouldn’t boycott this film, it’s such a beautiful film. And I want people to see me and Aamir on screen. It’s been three years, we’ve waited so long. So, please don’t boycott this film, because it’s actually like boycotting good cinema. And people have worked so hard on it; we’ve had 250 people work on this film for two-and-a-half years.”
Coming back, Kareena Kapoor Khan is yet to announce her next Bollywood venture!
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