Maharashtra’s Minority Development Minister Nawab Malik, who has been in the news for speaking about Aryan Khan during his drug trial, was recently arrested. Malik was detained by Enforcement Directorate in the money laundering case after being questioned for 8 hours for his connection with underworld don Dawood Ibrahim.
For the unversed, Nawab Malik seized a property in Mumbai’s Kurla worth Rs 300 crore by playing only Rs 55 Lakh with the help of Dawood’s sister Haseena Parker.
Now the latest report suggests that days after his arrest, Nawab Malik has now been admitted to the hospital. According to a report in India Today, Nawab went to the JJ hospital for the routine checkup following which doctors said that he would need to be admitted. The report states that Nawab’s daughter Sana Khan also informed that her father is admitted to the hospital after suffering stomach aches.
In October last year, Nawab Malik had slammed Narcotics Control Bureau for taking Shah Rukh Khan’s son Aryan Khan in custody. He had called it ‘kidnapping’ and ‘ransom’.
Earlier, speaking about Aryan, Malik had said in a media press conference, “Aryan Khan didn’t purchase the ticket for the [Cordelia] cruise party. He was brought there by Pratik Gaba and Amir Furniturewala. The trap was laid through Mohit Kamboj. Aryan was ‘kidnapped’ and ransomed and after the initial demand of ₹25 crores, the deal was settled at ₹18 crores.”
Coming back to the Maharashtra Minister Nawab Malik, after coming out of ED’s office, Nawab had waved at the paps and had told the media, “We will fight and win. We won’t bow down.”
Meanwhile, NCP’s leader Malik’s spokesperson Sanjay Tatkare had earlier told a section of media, “The protest is against the unjust questioning of Nawab Malik as he was exposing the BJP+NCB+CBI+ED nexus on a daily basis. We will not be cowed down. NCP will keep exposing BJP and all central agencies.”
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