Manoj Bajpayee’s mother Geeta Devi passed away on Thursday morning after a brief illness at a hospital here. She was 80.
According to the spokesperson of the actor, his mother was not well for the past 20 days.
“Geeta Devi was 80 yrs old and she was not well for past 20 days. Geeta Devi passed away today at 8:30 am. She died in Max pushpanjali hospital. Geeta Devi was Manoj Bajpayee’s pillar of strength….She is survived by 3 sons 3 daughters.. Sending him and the family lots of love, strength and prayers ?? May her soul rest in peace,” the statement from the spokesperson read.
Manoj Bajpayee‘s father RK Bajpayee died in October last year.
Manoj on Wednesday had announced his next ‘Bandaa’, a courtroom drama. The movie is directed by Apoorv Singh Karki who has previously worked on web shows such as Aspirants and Saas Bahu Achaar Pvt Ltd.
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