Kamaal R Khan aka KRK never minces his words while talking about Bollywood actors or Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi. His latest target is Kangana Ranaut. In his usual style, by calling Kangana his ‘didi’, the self-proclaimed critic has bashed her as he claims her to be a hypocrite. He thinks Kangana is playing a ‘deshbhakti’ card for her new film, Thalaivii.
After Akshay Kumar, Kamaal has turned his attention to Kangana. Through interviews and social media, Kangana is urging people to support her film, Thalaivii, to save Bollywood and the film industry in India. For obvious reasons, Kamaal has been irked by Kangana as he finds her selfish.
Taking to Twitter, KRK wrote, “Didi Kangana Ranaut does use all foreign products like phone, computer, car, clothes, bags, watches, make up etc. Didi spends holidays also in foreign countries. But Didi is asking public to watch her film to become #atmanirbhar and #DeshBhakt. Means she considers people idiots.”
Didi Kangana Ranaut does use all foreign products like phone, computer, car, clothes, bags, watches, make up etc. Didi spends holidays also in foreign countries. But Didi is asking public to watch her film to become #atmanirbhar and #DeshBhakt. Means she considers people idiots.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) September 13, 2021
Not just that, KRK has even predicted that Kangana Ranaut will continue to deliver flops and is on her way to becoming a full-time politician by joining BJP. He even trolled her over Thalaivii’s box office underperformance, in a series of tweets.
In one of the tweets, Kamaal wrote, “After disaster result of #Thalaivii Kangana is giving gyaan to public. She said- We all shud become #DeshBhakt & watch Indian films instead of English films to become #atmanirbhar! Lol! Didi we are not ready to watch ur crap film to make you millionaire. Public is not fool.”
After disaster result of #Thalaivii Kangana is giving gyaan to public. She said- We all shud become #DeshBhakt & watch Indian films instead of English films to become #atmanirbhar! Lol! Didi we are not ready to watch ur crap film to make you millionaire. Public is not fool.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) September 13, 2021
Let’s see if Kangana responds to KRK or not!
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