Kamaal Rashid Khan, otherwise known as KRK, never minces his words while talking about Bollywood actors. The self-proclaimed film critic has been taking a dig at Kangana Ranaut for the past few weeks. Now claims that the Thalaivii actress has been asking to attack Karan Johar. Scroll down to know more.
The Deshdrohi actor is well known for taking digs at Bollywood celebrities on Twitter. He has been calling Kangana his ‘didi’ and bashing her to be a hypocrite. He also claimed that the actress is playing a ‘deshbhakti’ card for her new film, Thalaivii.
After this, KRK has now revealed that Kangana Ranaut has been asking him to speak about Karan Johar publicly. He also claimed that he has all the SMS as proof of conversation but refrained to make it public.
Kamaal Rashid Khan wrote, “Till date no filmwala has asked me to say bad about other filmwala except #KanganaRanaut who asked me to say many things bad about #KaranJohar. I m having her all SMS as proof but I will never public that chat. I have never revealed anyone chat till date n I won’t do it in future”. Take a look at the Tweet below:
Till date no filmwala has asked me to say bad about other filmwala except #KanganaRanaut who asked me to say many things bad about #KaranJohar. I m having her all SMS as proof but I will never public that chat. I have never revealed anyone chat till date n I won’t do it in future
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) October 1, 2021
Previously, the former Bigg Boss contestant claimed that Kangana Ranaut will continue to deliver flops and is on her way to becoming a full-time politician by joining BJP. He even trolled her for Thalaivii’s box office underperformance.
In one of the tweets, KRK wrote, “After disaster result of #Thalaivii Kangana is giving gyaan to public. She said- We all shud become #DeshBhakt & watch Indian films instead of English films to become #atmanirbhar! Lol! Didi we are not ready to watch ur crap film to make you millionaire. Public is not fool.”
After disaster result of #Thalaivii Kangana is giving gyaan to public. She said- We all shud become #DeshBhakt & watch Indian films instead of English films to become #atmanirbhar! Lol! Didi we are not ready to watch ur crap film to make you millionaire. Public is not fool.
— KRK (@kamaalrkhan) September 13, 2021
So what do you think about KRK’s fresh attacks on Kangana Ranaut? Let us know in the comments.