Shah Rukh Khan had a memorable 2023. He stunned everyone with an unprecedented comeback in the history of Indian cinema and delivered three back-to-back box office successes, including two 1000 crore grossers and one 450 crore+ grosser, in the form of Pathaan, Jawan, and Dunki. After such a glorious hattrick, the superstar recently confirmed that he’ll be next seen in King, alongside his daughter Suhana Khan.
For the last several months, we have been hearing about the highly anticipated film, and it was out everywhere that an extended cameo of SRK had been changed to a full-fledged role. However, yesterday, for the first time, he confirmed doing the film and even shared an update about it and an exciting detail about his on-screen character.
During a live session at the 77th Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland, Shah Rukh Khan made it official that he is doing King. He said, “The next film I’m doing, King, I have to start working on it. I have to lose some weight a little, stretch a little, so my groin doesn’t get caught while doing action. It is painful. It’s the worst thing to see me on sets after action because I look really cool in the film, but I’m all tied up, and suddenly you see people and send flying kisses.”
For those who aren’t aware, King was supposed to go on the floors in August. However, it was recently learned that the film has been delayed until November. One of the reasons behind this could be that Shah Rukh Khan is still preparing for the film and needs to lose some weight for his character, which will be seen doing a lot of action.
King will be directed by Sujoy Ghosh, who previously worked under Shah Rukh Khan’s Red Chillies Entertainment for Badla, starring Taapsee Pannu and Amitabh Bachchan. The film marks Suhana Khan’s big-screen Bollywood debut, and Abhishek Bachchan will be seen as one of the antagonists.
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