Kareena Kapoor Khan and Twinkle Khanna have been divulging some interesting anecdotes about themselves to each other. Recently, Bebo shared an exciting piece of advice she received from her Tashan co-star Akshay Kumar when she and Saif Ali Khan had begun dating each other. Bebo and Saif fell head over heels for each other while shooting for Vijay Krishna Aacharya’s directorial debut Tashan. However, 4 years later, the couple got married in a big fat wedding and is currently parenting their two adorable sons – Taimur and Jehangir.
Now, here’s another interesting anecdote revealed by Khanna. During their latest chit-chat for Tweak India, actress-turned-author-turned-host Twinkle asked Bebo to confirm when her father and veteran actor Randhir Kapoor decided to meet her vegetarian boyfriend at a non-veg restaurant. Mrs Funnybones revealed about Kareena, “There’s this apocryphal tale where you wanted to introduce a boyfriend to your dad. And you said, ‘Daddy, this is my new boyfriend, let’s go for dinner and he said, ‘Beta, Dum Pukht (a restaurant famous for its meat dishes) chalte hai.’ And then you said, ‘Daddy, he’s vegetarian.’ And he said, ‘Koi baat nahi beta wo driver ke saath khana khayega (No problem, he’ll eat with the driver).”
Replying to the same, Kareena Kapoor Khan revealed that she was embarrassed. She told Twinkle Khanna, “What do I say, you know how they are, what do I say? You know how they are, about their food, about their paya.”
When asked if Kareena Kapoor and her vegetarian boyfriend eventually ended up going to the non-vegetarian restaurant or not, Good Newwz actress replied, “He had to watch and stare.”
In the same video, Kareena Kapoor Khan had also revealed that Akshay Kumar had told Saif Ali Khan, “They’re dangerous girls and this is a dangerous family, dekh ke reh’. Replying to which the Nawab had said, “No, no, I know, I’ll figure her out’.”