Kangana Ranaut is one of the few actors of Bollywood who fearlessly put their opinion on social media. However, the actress invites many controversies for tweeting her heart out. We all knew that the actress’ Twitter ‘Indology’ account was suspended by the microblogging site for spreading hatred. Recently, Kangana has questioned the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey the suspension of the ‘True Indology’ account. She has also demanded it to be restored. Read the article to know more.
On Wednesday morning, Kangana took to Twitter and compared the suspension of a Twitter account with murder in the virtual world.
Kangana Ranaut wrote, “When they don’t have answers to your questions they break your house, put you in jail, gag your voice or kill your digital identity. Eliminating one’s digital identity is no less than a murder in the virtual world, there must be strict laws against it #BringBackTrueIndology.”
When they don’t have answers to your questions they break your house, put you in jail, gag your voice or kill your digital identity. Eliminating one’s digital identity is no less than a murder in virtual world, there must be strict laws against it #BringBackTrueIndology https://t.co/tvPiWidQez
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) November 18, 2020
The actress didn’t stop here. She further tagged Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s office in one of her tweets and appealed them to take action against the microblogging site for her account suspension. Kangana Ranaut wrote, “@jack @Twitter @TwitterIndia your bias and Islamist’s propaganda is embarrassing, why did you suspend
@TIinExile? Because he busted fake narratives of our history? Shame on you, waiting for the day when you will be banned in India, hope @PMOIndia takes action against twitter.”
@jack @Twitter @TwitterIndia your bias and Islamist’s propaganda is embarrassing, why did you suspend @TIinExile ? Because he busted fake narratives of our history? Shame on you, waiting for the day when you will be banned in India, hope @PMOIndia takes action against twitter.
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) November 18, 2020
Kangana Ranaut further wrote that she feels like a slave in her own country. Expressing her agitation, the actress wrote, “Sick n tired of being treated like a slave in my own country, we can’t celebrate our festivals, can’t speak truth and defend our ancestors, we can’t condemn terrorism, what is the point of such a shameful enslaved life controlled by the keepers of darkness #BringBackTrueIndology.”
Sick n tired of being treated like a slave in my own country, we can’t celebrate our festivals, can’t speak truth and defend our ancestors, we can’t condemn terrorism, what is the point of such a shameful enslaved life controlled by the keepers of darkness #BringBackTrueIndology
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) November 18, 2020
For the unversed, Kangana Ranaut had backed the account suspended in October 2020 too. What’s your opinion on Kangana’s controversial statements? Do let us know via comments and stay tuned to Koimoi for the latest updates on your favourite celebrities.