Ever since conman Sukesh Chandrasekhar has been arrested in a Rs 200 crore money laundering case, Jacqueline Fernandez has been making headlines regarding the case too. After being away from the news for a while, Fernandez is again in trouble as she could get arrested by ED in the money laundering case. And after the news went viral, netizens are now reacting to it and trolling the actress while also dragging Salman Khan’s name on social media. Scroll below to read the scoop.
For the unversed, since last year things went haywire for Jacqueline after her name came out in connection to a money laundering case involving Sukesh. Many private details about the two dating and her being the beneficiary of the conman were spilt out on social media. Not just that, Jacqueline was also summoned by the ED several times to record her statement in the case.
According to ETimes, Jacqueline Fernandez’s name is also filed in the money laundering case by ED. In fact, the reports further state that the actress might also get arrested and now netizens are reacting to the news on social media dragging Salman Khan’s name in the comments.
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Reacting to the news, a user on Instagram commented, “Salmaan will buy ed now😂” Another user commented, “Salman bhaai will see all trouble😂😂😂” A third user commented, “don’t worry salman bhai hai na.” A fourth user commented, “Sallu bhai hai n bss 😂😂”
What are your thoughts on netizens trolling Jacqueline Fernandez in her involvement with the Rs 200 crore money laundering case while also targeting Salman Khan on social media? Tell us in the space below.
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