Actor Aparshakti Khurana has finished the filming of ‘Jab Khuli Kitaab’, a light-hearted romantic comedy starring Pankaj Kapur and Dimple Kapadia.
‘Jab Khuli Kitaab’ is directed by Saurabh Shukla, the film is based on a play of the same title.
Supported by Samir Soni and Nauheed Cyrusi, it is based on the love story of a couple in their 70s, doing everything that every other teenager would do in a relationship.
On wrapping up the film, Aparshakti Khurana says: “Work never feels like work when you have such a great mix of experienced actors around. I am sure ‘Jab Khuli Kitaab’ start to finish schedule was an absolute delight for all of us and an immense learning opportunity especially for me.”
The actor added that the is based on the fact that love knows no age.
“And I, for one, am a true believer of that. This love story, beautifully portrayed by Pankaj ji and Dimple ji will hit the screens soon! Super excited for this one,” he said.
Aparshakti also has movies like ‘Dhoka Round D Corner’ and ‘Berlin’.