The life of Anant Pai, creator of the ‘Amar Chitra Katha’ series of comic books centred around historical and mythological themes, will soon be translated into an audio-visual story based on the biography ‘Uncle Pai’ by Rajessh M. Iyer.
Children growing up in the India of the 1970s to the 1990s, had one common factor uniting them — their lovely association with Amar Chitra Katha. Growing up reading his creations was an essential rite of passage that escaped no one. And all this fun, frenzy, and madness was thanks to the epoch-making vision of one man popularly known as Uncle Pai.
From a village in Karnataka, moving on to Mumbai, Anant Pai’s journey and vision, which eventually touched countless lives across many generations, is as interesting as the books he created.
Filled with little-known stories, ‘Uncle Pai’ by Iyer traces the journey of a remarkable man and of his indomitable spirit, which helped millions across India get in touch with their cultural roots.
“Taking the story of India’s beloved Uncle Pai to a wider audience through a film or a web series is a logical cinematic tribute to the man who introduced millions of Indians to their glorious storytelling heritage,” Iyer said.
The production house, Almighty Motion Picture, is yet to confirm whether the material will be turned into a web series or a film. Speaking on its behalf, Prabhleen Kaur said: “It’s a dream that has come true for me as I have grown up reading ‘Amar Chitra Katha’. More than a project it is something which has been close to my heart, as along with entertainment it was also a source for us to enhance our knowledge.”