The tragic demise of Sushant Singh Rajput opened a can of worms over Bollywood’s nepotism and groupism debate. Without any reason, several Bollywood celebrities faced the wrath of netizens. Alia Bhatt, Ananya Panday, Tiger Shroff and other star kids were trolled excessively. And who can forget the Sadak 2 trailer dislikes’ row!
But now, after keeping a mum for a while over nepotism trolls, Alia has finally opened up. She has sent out an indirect message to haters through her latest Instagram post and it’s definitely worth watching.
In her latest Instagram post, Alia Bhatt is looking absolutely gorgeous but it’s the caption that is doing all the talks. “but I keep cruising, can’t stop won’t stop moving..,” reads her caption.
Check out the post below:
Expectedly, netizens poured in their comments and most of them were highly derogatory ones. One user wrote, “What about your film sadak 2.” Another user wrote, “Why Instagram doesn’t have dislike button ?”
Check out some other reactions:
“Congratulations for your trailer of sadak2 3rd most disliked trailer in world and don’t forget to inform us for your next movie”
“Didi trailer kab aayega next movie ka? humlog ko dislike marna hai”
“Instagram please bring chappal button as you have like button”
“Drugs lena bandh kar do phir sab ruk jayega”
“nepo kids riya Chakrabarti ki bahan”
“Ncb wale tere sath film kab bana rahe h”
“Kon kon alia ko bollywood me nhi dekhna chahta”