Salman Khan returned to host the first Weekend Ka Vaar episode of Bigg Boss 15. The actor is known for schooling contestants and in the latest episode it was Pratik Sehajpal who was the center of attention. In last night’s episode, Nikki Tamboli was slammed by viewers along with some celebrities after she asked, “Who is Jay (Bhanushali).”
Along with the actress, Neha Bhasin, Karan Patel and Arjun Bijlani were also guests and talked about their favourite contestants. Neha and Nikki supported Pratik, while the other two stars defended Jay.
As they were debating, Nikki Tamboli applauded Pratik Sehajpal for playing alone and slammed prominent actor Jay Bhanushali, she even went to ask, “Who is Jay?” Arjun Bijlani replied, “He is Bhanushali.”
Meanwhile, Nikki Tamboli’s behaviour didn’t go well with netizens as they felt it was too insensitive of her to ask such things as Jay Bhanushali has contributed a lot in the entertainment industry.
Both netizens and celebs slammed Nikki, Balraj Syal took to his Instagram stories and wrote, “Who is Jay? Really? Google karo behan jitna kaam apne dekha nahi hoga aaj tak utna kar chuka hai woh.”
While Kamya Punjabi wrote, “Who is Jay? Are u serious? Uffffff what are we watching???? @ColorsTV #BiggBoss15 oh yes it’s the soft corner n she is single n he doesn’t disrespect anyone that’s wat she likes abt him yeh kya ho raha hai?????”
Kashmera Shah took a dig at Nikki Tamboli and tweeted, “I am shocked that people that are called on the weekend ka vaar ka panel can actually be disrespectful. How can someone ask who is Jay? Shameful. This goes to show the level of illiteracy. Good defence mere Karan Arjun”
I am shocked that people that are called on the weekend ka vaar ka panel can actually be disrespectful. How can someone ask who is Jay? Shameful. This goes to show the level of illiteracy. Good defence mere Karan Arjun #jayrocks #bb15 @BiggBoss @ColorsTV @BeingSalmanKhan
— kashmera shah (@kashmerashah) October 10, 2021
Who is Jay? Are u serious? Uffffff what are we watching???? @ColorsTV #BiggBoss15 oh yes it’s the soft corner n she is single n he doesn’t disrespect anyone that’s wat she likes abt him 🙄 yeh kya ho raha hai?????
— Kamya Shalabh Dang (@iamkamyapunjabi) October 10, 2021
Check out what netizens think:
After seeing tomorrow's promo.. #NikkiTamboli asking who is Jay? Like seriously????? @imjaybhanushali @VijMahhi
Beta… Aap abhi aaye ho… aur Jay saalo se yahi hai.. everyone knows who is JAY BHANUSHALI— yamini purohit (@yamu95) October 9, 2021
#NikkiTamboli :- who knows Jay Bhanushali….name leke puch rahi hai…🤦
Agar aap aur Pratik itne hi famous ho to #BiggBoss14 aur #biggbossott jeet kar kyu nahi aaye..— Yogirajsinh Zala (@Yog146) October 10, 2021
@nikkitamboli next time watch ur tone and tongue atleast respect ur seniors such a disrespectful attitude u have its ur new new fame so better be grateful instead of flying! #NikkiTamboliInBB15 #JayBhanushali
— Amanzaidi.14 (@amanzaidi_14) October 11, 2021
Nikki again started the same" yeh dikte nhi hai " so whom are we watching? since week 🤷 Who is Jay ??! Well yeh toh wakt is batayega.😌😎 #JayBhanushali
arjun u were like " woh Bhanushali hai "😂👍 @Thearjunbijlani #BB15 #Colors #WKV
@imjaybhanushali #SalmanKhan— @Htanna🥀 (@HinalTanna1) October 11, 2021
Further, in the Weekend Ka Vaar episode, Nikki Tamboli shared that Jay used to call her ‘badtameez’ when she participated in Bigg Boss 14.
Speaking about Jay Bhanushali, she didn’t like how the actor called Pratik Sehajpal, ‘tommy’ and dedh futiya’, she added, “Pratik feels very lonely. During my time no one was with me in the house except Sidharth. Pratik also has no one. I could feel him. I can see he is very lonely. I want to go inside the house and hug him.”
Meanwhile, Sahil Shroff became the first contestant to get evicted from Bigg Boss 15 house due to his inactivity and poor performance in the house.