Looks like Oscar Isaac has managed to have one of the most fascinating Marvel Cinematic Universe debuts in the longest time. The actor walked into the world of superheroes with Moon Knight, which debuted on Disney+ on March 30. With the release of the first episode, the Mohamed Diab directorial is garnering praises from across the world. But the pressure is still too high to live up to the mark that the first episode has set for the entire show. Amid it, Isaac now talks about Robert Downey Jr and his advice.
Over the past decade since the release of the first Iron Man back in 2008, RDJ has kind of become the Godfather of the MCU. The actor played Tony Stark who in a way held Earth’s Mightiest Superheroes together. He finally bid goodbye as Tony died in Avengers: Endgame making way for all the new heroes to enter the universe with phase 4.
Now Oscar Isaac in his latest interview for Moon Knight talks about discussing the opportunity with Robert Downey Jr. He even reveals the advice Iron Man fame gave him. Isaac was told to be bold with choices and more. Read on to know everything.
As per Screenrant, Oscar Isaac said, “I did talk to Robert Downey Jr. quite a bit. I talked to him a lot. I mean, he’s a friend already, and so just talking to him about it and just what his sense of it is and how his process has been, and he was such a great great person to talk to, obviously about the whole thing.”
Oscar Isaac added, “And also, for me, the biggest inspiration, because to this day, still, that first Iron Man movie is just so good… he really said that Kevin Feige is a genius and he’s a collaborator and so don’t be afraid to come in and give your ideas and give your thoughts and to be bold with your choices.”
Stay tuned to Koimoi for more!