Steve Harvey is a popular television show host who has been in the news lately over his wife Marjorie Elaine’s alleged cheating scandal with his bodyguard. The host is known for his shows, including Family Feud and The Steve Harvey Show. He once landed in yet another controversy for his explicit workplace memo that reportedly got leaked, but the senior host was unapologetic about it and even went on to explain the reasons behind it.
At present, when talk show hosts like Ellen DeGeneres, Kelly Clarkson and Jimmy Fallon are being scrutinised for alleged workplace scrutiny, Harvey was also mocked by people and received a severe backlash from them online. Stick to the end of the article to find out what the memo said and how the talk show host defended himself.
As per ETOnline, the email sent by Steve Harvey to his The Steve Harvey Show crew was leaked on Robert Feder’s blog, and as per that, the instructions for staff were – “Do not come to my dressing room unless invited. Do not open my dressing room door. IF YOU OPEN MY DOOR, EXPECT TO BE REMOVED. I want all the ambushing to stop now. That includes TV staff.” The email further stated, “Do not approach me while I’m in the makeup chair unless I ask to speak with you directly. Do not wait in any hallway to speak to me. I hate being ambushed.”
Needless to say, people were not happy to see this side of the lovable Family Feud show host, and he was slammed online for his memo. In his defence, Harvey told ET’s Kevin Fraizer, “I could not find a way to walk from the stage to my dressing room, to sit in my makeup chair, to walk from my dressing room to the stage or to just sit and have lunch without somebody just walking in. I’ve always had a policy where, you know, you can come and talk to me — so many people are great around here, but some of them just started taking advantage of it.”
He added, “Look, man, I’m in my makeup chair, they walk in the room. I’m having lunch, they walk in, they don’t knock. I’m in the hallway, I’m getting ambushed by people with friends that come to the show and having me sign this and do this. I just said, ‘Wait a minute.’ And in hindsight, I probably should’ve handled it a little bit differently.”
Steve Harvey further said, “If you come out your house, you don’t want anybody on your porch waiting on you,” he said. “You walk to your car; you don’t want people bothering you on your way to your car. Everybody wants the freedom to be able to move around. I just didn’t want to be in this prison anymore where I had to be in this little room, scared to go out and take a breath of fresh air without somebody approaching me, so I wrote the letter; I don’t apologize about the letter, but it’s kind of crazy what people who took this thing and ran, man. I appreciate you asking me.”
However, as per the report, a source close to the production told the media outlet that Steve is not a bully and said, “He’s very polite, very respectful. He’s not rude to anyone.” The source added, “No one is afraid to walk around the office or anything like that.”
From the perspective of Steve Harvey, what he said does make sense, and privacy is important in every individual’s life! Let us know your thoughts on this in the comments!
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