The Office, a sitcom that depicts employees’ everyday work lives at the Dunder Mifflin Paper Company in Scranton, Pennsylvania, is leaving Netflix on December 31, 2020. While this is sad news, we bring you some good news too. You won’t be away from the much-loved series for long as its streaming will soon begin elsewhere.
As per a report, the much loved starring Steve Carell, Rainn Wilson, John Krasinski, Jenna Fischer and others will begin streaming on Peacock, NBCU’s streaming service in the new year. Read on for more details regarding how much will be available and more.
As per a report on NetflixLife, The Office will leave Netflix on December 31 when the countdown ball drops at midnight PT. It also noted that Peacock would add the first two seasons of the mockumentary sitcom on January 1, 2021. These seasons will be available to viewers for free. All you need to do is sign up for a Peacock account.
The site also reported that viewers would need to pay for a Peacock subscription to view the other seven seasons of The Office on the new streaming platform.
As per the report, Peacock will have the rights to stream the hit series for the next five years (2025). Post that, the show may return to Netflix, but we will have to wait and see.
When the news of The Office leaving Netflix made the headlines, Twitter was a meme feast. Many took to the social media platform expressing how they felt hearing the news. On e user has written, “i just wanna know who tf at Netflix thought its a great idea to take off the office at the end of the year wtf bitc-“Another had written, “The Office leaving Netflix at the end of this year might be the final straw for me.”
While users worldwide are sad that the sitcom is leaving Netflix, fans of The Office in India have no reason to be unhappy. The show will still stream on Amazon Prime Video as well as stream on Star World.