The Kapil Sharma Show remains to be one of the most TRP charting show on Television. Hosted by Kapil Sharma, TKSS features Archana Puran Singh who has been sportingly taking digs on herself since forever now. Whether it is the host himself or Krushna Abhishek, Bharti Singh and others, often fans have witnessed jokes being cracked on the special guest and have backlashed the team for the same. Now, Kiku Sharda is opening up about the same and below is all you need to know.

Multiple times now it has happened that Twitterati have called out Kapil Sharma and the team over mocking Archana Puran Singh’s physical appearance and mocking her. The entire row at a point turned into a controversy. Now Kiku Sharda who plays the role of Baccha Yadav in the comedy show is opening up about it and setting the records straight.

The Kapil Sharma Show: Kiku Sharda REACTS To Backlash Received Over Demeaning Jokes On Archana Puran Singh
The Kapil Sharma Show: Kiku Sharda REACTS To Backlash Received Over Demeaning Jokes On Archana Puran Singh

In a conversation with Times of India, the comedian said, “Krushna, Bharti Kapil share a great bond with Archana ji and it is a very long association. They have known and worked with each other since the Comedy Circus days. I have done only 1 season of Comedy Circus but they have worked together on 17 seasons and for some 8 years. They share such a strong bond and now working on TKSS, it has become stronger. When we shoot for TKSS we make sure that any celebrity visiting our show should not feel bad. We draw a line and don’t go over the top with our jokes. We try our best to not hurt anyone with our jokes. We make fun of each other and pull each other’s leg. Archana ji is as much as a co-star like any of us. One needs to understand that she is part of the team and we create jokes sitting with each other. She is very much aware of what jokes are going to be cracked and what the script is.”

Furthermore, the comedian added that Archana takes it all quite sportingly and has no issues whatsoever as stated by the trolls.

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