Premiered on Netflix on December 8, 2022, Elephant Whisperers is a short documentary film on the heartwarming story of an indigenous couple who have been given an orphaned elephant, Raghu to look after. The story follows Raghu’s recovery and survival, weaving a beautiful tale of unconditional love and bond between the couple and Raghu. Being shortlisted for The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Science has been a huge honor.
Commenting on The Elephant Whisperers being shortlisted, Producer Guneet Monga shares, “It’s an honor to be in the esteemed company of such diverse projects in the top 15 shortlisted films at the upcoming Oscars 2023. We are beyond ecstatic about ‘The Elephant Whisperers’, a story of elephants in South India and the indigenous communities that co-exist in the same space, which has been shortlisted at the 95th Academy Awards for Best Documentary Short Film. The opportunity to bring a true heartland story from the beautiful Mudumalai Tiger Reserve in the state of Tamil Nadu, India, to a global stage is truly rewarding. Sikhya has always thrived to tell unique stories from local perspectives with global impact. One couldn’t have asked for a better platform than Netflix to take this story to a global audience. Director Kartiki shares an intimate connection with the story for years and has articulated the relationship between the elephant and its caretakers so beautifully! It’s a great year for India at the Oscars and while we cherish this moment, we hope that all our films go all the way and continue to represent the exciting array of Pan India stories.”
Adding onto that, Director and Executive Producer, Kartiki Gonsalves said, “I am so grateful to have gotten the opportunity to work on this short Documentary and incredibly happy to have been shortlisted for the 95th Oscars Awards. As a close observer of the bond between careers and elephants, I was charmed to see their heartwarming relationship grow. I am very glad this story has gone to the hearts of millions and so thankful to Netflix for believing in the story and supporting us along this journey.”
Nominations voting runs from January 12th to 17th, 2023 and nominations will be announced on January 24th, 2023. The 95th Oscars ceremony will be held on March 12, at the Dolby Theatre at Ovation Hollywood in Los Angeles.
About Netflix India:
Netflix is the world’s leading streaming entertainment service with 223 million paid memberships in over 190 countries enjoying TV series, documentaries, feature films and mobile games across a wide variety of genres and languages. Members can play, pause and resume watching as much as they want, anytime, anywhere, and can change their plans at any time.
About Sikhya Entertainments:
Sikhya Entertainment is a homegrown premium content studio with a global footprint. The production house has carved out its way in the world with the power of true storytelling and creating conversation driven Cinema, producing films like The Lunchbox, Masaan, What Will People Say, Monsoon Shootout, Haramkhor, Pagglait and an Oscar-winning Short Documentary – Period. End of Sentence.
With the pursuit of creating content that enables conversations, makes people ponder and touches the soul, Sikhya Entertainment is known for producing Cinema that has not only local but global reach as well.
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