Sana Khan and Anas Saiyad are the latest parents of tinsel town. The duo took their first international trip as parents to Saudi Arabia and London after welcoming a baby boy on July 5. While on their way back home, Sana and Anas were recently spotted at the Mumbai airport where paps asked the couple about their friends Rakhi Sawant and Adil Durrani and the controversy surrounding their marriage. While Anas spoke in detail about what his thoughts are, Sana refused to make any further comments on the matter.
Anas told the paps at the airport, “I’ve their word and both Adil and Rakhi are close to me. I want the best for them and would try my best to fix things for them. I don’t want to get into the court things but otherwise I think every couple has problems and they can sit and talk about it.”
Anas Saiyad further said, “I don’t want to talk about her Umrah and if she is using Islam. It’s on her and her Allah and I can’t do anything about it. All I can do is support my sister Rakhi and brother Adil.”
When the paps asked Sana Khan about the same, she refused to comment and said, “I am out of this drama and I hardly see and talk about this. I don’t want to be a part of this controversy, please don’t ask about it to me.”
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For the uninitiated, just last month Rakhi Sawant performed Umrah after she made a statement that she was forced to convert to Islam. A video of Rakhi Sawant talking about her Umrah trip had gone viral. Rakhi Sawant is heard saying in Hindi, “I am very fortunate that for the first time I’m going for Umrah… I received a calling. I am very happy. Please keep me in your prayers, I’ll pray for you all.”
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Many netizens took to the comments and slammed Rakhi Sawant.
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