Young entrepreneur Rohandeep Singh who has distributed and produced many films, is now coming up with his dream project ‘100 Days In Heaven’. Created by Avdhesh Bhatt and Rohandeep Singh, the show is based on adventure and thrill, especially for those who love trekking or climbing mountains. The Mumbai schedule of the show has already been shot last month, now the team will shoot the second schedule at Mount Everest Base camp in Kathmandu.
In this show the participants will get the chance to climb Kanchenjunga, Mount Everest, Kedarnath etc. This show will provide a glimpse to the audience of the life of mountain climbers. In this show you will get to see some famous climbers, this show will soon be streaming on Zee group platform.
A lot of people from around the world try to apply for climbing Mount Everest but a handful of them get selected, so this show gives them the opportunity to do so.
In a recent interview, Rohandeep Singh shared his journey in which he says, “My journey has been very interesting and also I have struggled a lot. Now it’s been more then 10 years that I have worked in this industry and done many Hindi, Marathi and English movies. When we come to Mumbai, we all have these big dreams of becoming/doing something great overnight but it doesn’t happen like that.”
He also adds, “You have to work hard to prove yourself to this city and it takes a lot of time to achieve this, and this was the struggle that I have faced and even today I face the same challenges. This city is such that no matter what you have to struggle till the end. But now, I have gotten a platform to work and I am following the same. I am trying to be as loyal to my work as well as people with whom I work and associate with them properly. People who work with me have built trust.”
At the first quarter of 2021, Rohandeep Singh’s company Jumping Tomatoes Marketing Pvt Ltd had produced two Marathi film Peter released on 22nd January and Oh my Ghost released on 12th February. Both the films got appreciation from critics and audience had also loved the film. They have sent the nomination of Peter for National Awards as well. Apart from films, Jumping Tomatoes Marketing pvt ltd is also coming up with a web series called Narak which will go on floor by May/June end.
He also spoke about his upcoming novel Majnu Masta which will be soon out in the month of June or July.
Rohandeep quoted, “This extraordinary show is something that has never been seen on Indian television. So it will be a different show for the audience to watch. We have watched too many dance and singing reality shows but the concept of this show is totally new and different. The creator of the show is Avdhesh Bhatt and he himself is a mountaineer.”