Mrs. Undercover is an action-packed comedy thriller that starred Radhika Apte in the lead role. Directed by Anushree Mehta, the movie featured Sumeet Vyas, a serial killer known as The Common Man, who targets successful and independent women. To catch him, a special forces team enlists Durga, a deep undercover agent who has been inactive for 13 years and has forgotten her training. With limited options, the team sends Durga to Kolkata Girls’ College, where the killer, under the guise of Ajay, is conducting a women’s empowerment seminar.
The movie conveys a strong message to women who are burdened with societal and family expectations. Although Mrs. Undercover is a thrilling film, it keeps viewers hooked to the story until the end with some of the best laughs.
By the end of Mrs. Undercover, Durga is not able to identify that her instructor and the serial killer are the same person. It was not until after the killing of Aisha, who was a mole for Ajay that Durga uncovered his real identity. When Ajay leaves the auditorium where the art performance at the college begins, Durga realizes that there is a bomb hidden in a box of confetti, which could kill everyone.
Fortunately, Durga defuses the bomb and saves everyone. Even so, she manages to corner Ajay, revealing a mole on his arm as proof he is The Common Man. However, Ajay smugly notes that there’s still insufficient evidence to convict him which Durga and the police had to accept. As Durga sends the police and the CM away, she and the women of Kolkata beat Ajay to death. Before doing so, Durga forces him to record a video, mimicking how he tormented his victims.
The Common Man, aka Ajay, played a professor at the Kolkata Girls College by day and a serial killer by night.
Overall, Mrs. Undercover is an action comedy that highlights themes of expectations placed on women. Ajay, the serial killer, targets successful women, mocking their power and pointing out that no matter their success, women are always under men’s control. Moreover, Durga’s life mirrors the theme as her husband, Deb, cheats on her, which prompts her to take on the mission. Throughout the film, women face violence and mockery when they strive for independence, but by supporting each other, they expose the true weakness of these men.
Mrs. Undercover is available to watch on Zee 5.
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