Veteran Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan recently engaged in a fun banter with ‘Kaun Banega Crorepati 14’ contestant Pinky Jawarani. The 34-year-old homemaker from Satna, Madhya Pradesh asked Big B certain hilarious questions like if celebrities wash clothes in their homes, to which Big B replied that he even irons the clothes himself and even keeps them in the cupboard.
She told the host that she is a huge fan of Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and requested him to tell her that he (Amitabh) met one of her big fans on the show.
Later, Pinky Jawarani shared her experience of being on KBC 14, saying: “I loved talking to Mr. Bachchan and he seems like a very honest and caring human being.”
Pinky Jawarani expressed her gratitude towards Amitabh Bachchan for answering all her questions.
“He did not make me feel less than in any way and was gracious and kind enough to answer my questions. Everyone really enjoyed my conversation with Mr. Bachchan, and I hope he remembers me,” she adds.
‘KBC 14’ airs on Sony Entertainment Television.
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