Divya Agarwal who quite recently was on the cover of every media outlet for becoming the winner of the first-ever season of Bigg Boss OTT is now rumoured to feature at a new reality tv show along with boyfriend Varun Sood. The duo will be seen as the new professors in MTV Love School and they will replace Karan Kundrra and Anusha Dandekar in the show.
The reality show will now air its 5th season and is going to witness a new set of contestants participating in the show.
According to the latest news, Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood were approached by the show to appear as the new host or ‘The Professor’ replacing the previous host Karan Kundrra and Anusha Dandekar. The reports also claim that the new host will be paid more than the previous ones.
Check out the tweet below which confirms that Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood will host the show
CONFIRMED! Divya& Varun are approached for #mtvloveschool as professors with high payment then #karankundra #anusha.. @Divyakitweet @VSood12 #mtv #loveschool #varunsood #DivyaAgarwal #bb15 #confirmed pic.twitter.com/CH5Zym1r3n
— Jiya (@Jiyakitweet) October 12, 2021
MTV Love School is set on real-life relationships where participants are a mixed group of singles and real-life couples. The main goal here is to solve the problems in their relationships. The shows the basic idea is to prove who’s love is true and strong enough to recover from all past grudges. The reality show has its romantic points which are mostly shown in a movie.
Talking about the show, Jagnoor Aneja who was a part of the 1st and 2nd seasons of the show passed away due to cardiac arrest last month. He was in Egypt when he breathed his last. He was there to spend his holidays with very close friends. His friend Mohammad Al Mahmoodi who was present with him at his last moment claimed that he left in a happy state of mind and was very happy.
He said: “Jagnoor Aneja was perfectly healthy. In fact, he was very much concerned about his health and fitness. He was never interested in spending extra time in the gym to flaunt a toned body or six packs. I couldn’t understand how this happened. It was difficult for me to accept the news. He was a traveller and explorer but who knew he would travel to heaven so soon. I am really missing him a lot.”
He also added, “It was just last week we met and had our dinner together here in Egypt. He was very happy and shared that once he returned to India. He was interested in pursuing his acting career and growing in life. May his soul rest in peace.”
Are you excited to see Divya Agarwal and Varun Sood in the show? Let us know in the comments below!