Salman Khan hosted the show Bigg Boss is one of the most-watched reality show on Indian television. To create more abuzz, drama and entertainment this year the makers introduced the OTT version of it. Named as ‘Bigg Boss OTT’, the show began last weekend and the excitement level among fans is crazy.
Popular director and producer Karan Johar is currently hosting the OTT version of the controversial reality show. The show, which is based on the Dutch-British reality show, Big Brother, was first aired in 2006 and went on to become one of the most popular TV shows.
Celebrities and participants leave behind their luxurious lives, spend months locked inside the house with strangers. Participants earn big bucks while doing so. While it is well known Salman Khan earns a big paycheque for hosting the show, contestants also get very lucrative deals to be on the show.
Do you know who is the highest-paid contestant of the Bigg Boss so far? It is none other than Hollywood actress Pamela Anderson, who appeared on Bigg Boss season 4 for just three days. As per The Siasat Daily, the actress charged a whopping amount of Rs 2 crore for her appearance on the show.
The report also revealed other famous personalities who were paid huge remuneration for their stint in Bigg Boss. So here’s the list of highest-paid contestants in Bigg Boss:
Sreesanth (Season 12) — 50 Lakhs per week
Khali (Season 4) — 50 lakh per week
Karanvir Bohra (Season 12) — 20 lakh per week
Rimi Sen (Season 9) — 2 crores for her stint
Hina Khan (Season 11) — 8 lakh per week
Sidharth Shukla (Season 13) — 9 lakh per week
Rashmi Desai (Season 13) — 1.2 crores for an entire season
Bani J (Season 10) — 1.5 crores for an entire season
Dipika Kakkar (Season 12) — 15 lakh per week
Karan Mehra (Season 10) — 1 crore for his stint
Karisma Tanna (Season 8) — 10 lakhs per week
So did your favorite contestant featured on the list? Let us know in the comments below.